Allah has made the rights of the Muslim brothers obligatory to all the Muslims. The Muslims are brothers to one another. The Muslims partake of one another's delight and grief. It is not fair for the Muslim to torture any other Muslim. The famous Exegete Hazrat Mujahid says:
An itching on the people of the hell will be imposed. They will itch and solace so much that the flesh will be cut and the bones will show out. Then they will be called, "O such and such persons, is your itching troubling you?" They will say, "O yes." They will be told that it is in lieu of the trouble that he would give the Muslims. A tradition says so far that it is not fair for the Muslim to torture a Muslim by making any indication of his eye.
If the Muslims live in love, peace and congeniality, this activity of theirs will be better than supererogatory fasting, prayer and alms giving. If a Muslim conceals another Muslim's defects in this world, Allah will conceal his defects in both the worlds. It is not fair for a Muslim to backbite another Muslim and search out his weak points. The Holy Prophet
says, "If a person searches out a Muslim's weaknesses to disgrace him before the people, Allah will disgrace him when he will be sitting at home." The Muslims are ordered to greet the Muslim who meets him i.e. he should be prayed for safety. The first demand of prayer for safety is that that Muslim may not hurt that Muslim with his tongue and hand.
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